1. In the DATA module click on the Waste button in the Menu.
2. Click on Carriers in the Views Panel.
3. Click on the New Carrier link.
4. Enter the Carrier’s Name & Address. You can also add phone & email contact details.
5. Save.
You now need to add a Licence or Permit.
1. Click on the name of the Carrier you just added in the Carrier list.
2. Click on the New Licence / Permit link.
3. Enter the details of the permit or licence: Reference No, Start Date, End Date and EWC Code(s). You can also enter Notes or Comments.
The EWC Code is an EU wide coding system for identifying waste. It is a six digit code suffixed with an asterisk if the waste is hazardous.
The first two digits define the category of the waste, select this first, and then choose the relevant code/waste stream from the second dropdown.
Use the >> button to select the codes (and << to deselect) |
4. Save your selections
You can add Consignees and Brokers in the same way using the links on the Views menu.