Audit Programmes are based on a pre-defined Audit
Programme Type.
For example these could be:
• Internal audits related to an external certification such as ISO 9000, ISO 14001 or OHSAS 18001
• Corporate Audits, for example of compliance
• Audits of suppliers
• Duty of Care audits of waste contractors or waste sites
• Behavioral Based Safety Programmes
• Workplace Inspections
• 5S or 6S programmes
To add an Audit Programme Type:
1. Click on Audit Programme Types in the Activities Menu.
2. Click “Add Audit Programme Type”.
3. Enter a name.
4. Select an audit type – see above.
5. Make sure Active is ticked (un-ticking this will effectively trash it although it will remain hidden in the database).
6. Save.
Two types of Audit Programme Type can be created:
1. Scheduled Audit Type based on a set of answerable questions and scheduled to take place at some point in the future.
2. Express Audit Type based on a set of questions & checkboxes and carried out on either an ad-hoc or scheduled basis. This type is typically used for workplace inspections or for behavioural based safety.
Scheduled Audits can be scorable. This is determined by the Template. Scorable audits have grouped sets of questions, each with an assigned value. This type may be useful for compliance audits or for 5S or 6S audits. |
Standard Scheduled Audit Type
Express Audit Type
Scorable Scheduled Audit Type