To add Limits for the Measurement you just added, click
on the Measurement id in the list of measurements (click on Measurements in
the view panel), this displays the Measurement, then click on Create
• Type: Internal or External.
• Limit Frequency – this is determined by the Measurement Frequency.
• Upper & Lower Thresholds as appropriate and the unit of measure of each. You do not have to add both.
• Any additional info such as reference to where the limits came from.
• Whether or not you want an override question. Ticking Enabled means you do, un-ticking it means you do not.
• If applicable enter the override question that you wish to use.
Click Save.
To inactivate a limit if it is incorrect or no longer valid click on the limit as displayed on the Measurement page, then on Edit Limit and un-tick the Active box and save. |