INCIDENT: Enter Records - this allows selected users to enter or edit Incidents.


INCIDENT: Enter/Edit/Complete Investigations - this allows selected users to enter or edit Investigations against Incidents.


INCIDENT: Enter/Edit C/P Actions -  this allows selected users to enter Corrective or Preventive Actions and associated Tasks.


INCIDENT: Complete C/P Actions - this allows selected users to complete Corrective or Preventive Actions and associated Tasks entered by themselves or others.


INCIDENT: Enter/Edit/Complete Effectiveness Reviews - this allows selected users to enter, edit and complete Effectiveness Reviews of Corrective or Preventive Actions entered by themselves or others.


INCIDENT: Configure the Module - this allows selected users to add or edit Incident sub-types, Reportees and Cause Types


INCIDENT: Automatically Communicate all new Incidents -  this adds selected users to the Also Notify field of all Incidents created. They therefore get notified by email of all Incidents.


INCIDENT: View Reports - this allows selected users to view Incident Reports


INCIDENT: Management Access (Add/Edit/Complete Task, Action, Investigation, Incident) -  this allows selected users to have “super-user” rights which means they have access to add, edit or complete all Incidents, Investigations, Actions or Tasks whether or not they created them or are responsible for them.


INCIDENT: Management Access/Confidential Access (Management Access Rights & View Confidential Information) - this allows selected users to view confidential information - i.e. injured party names and attachments on Incidents selected as Confidential.