Introduction to Law


The need to comply with a growing body of complex environmental and health & safety legislation has never been greater.


Keeping pace with and interpreting legislation can be a daunting prospect for any business:


      Finding legislation can be confusing and very time consuming:

      Not everything can be found in one place;

      You may have to sift through a huge amount of information, much of it not applicable, out of date or incomplete;

      The link between legislation from different legislature (for example Federal and State, or EU and National) can be unclear;

      Determining which legislation is applicable and how it is relevant requires a certain level of expertise.


To be able to ensure compliance, a Company must identify:


      What legislation exists?

      Which legislation is applicable?

      How is it relevant?

      What do I need to do to comply?


LAW is intended to serve as tool to help you navigate and keep up to date with relevant legislation.