To view Management Programmes:
1. Click on Risk, then Management Programmes.
2. Click on one of programme ID’s.
3. View Management Programme.
Once a number of Risk Assessments have been created, the Scoreboard should be reviewed by the EH&S Management Team and appropriate Objectives, Targets, and Management Programmes created which will aim to improve (lower) the Risk situation.
Objectives and Targets are achieved through Management Programmes which in turn are achieved through Tasks.
A single Objective may have one or more Management Programmes associated with it, i.e. there may be one or more projects (Management Programmes) to be completed to ensure an objective is met.
Management Programmes designate responsibility for achieving objectives and targets at relevant functions and levels of the organisation and the means and timeframe by which they are to be achieved.
A Management Programme will have one or many Tasks associated with it. These may stem from recommendations resulting from Risk Assessments (RA Tasks) or may be created directly from the Management Programme (MP Tasks). Tasks may also have Sub-Tasks associated with them.
In this way a top-down (from Objectives) and bottom-up (from Risk Assessments) view of continuous improvement can be accessed in an integrated way. |
Here is an example of the relationship between Objectives, Targets, and Management Programmes & Tasks:
Objective: Minimise waste generation and improve management of waste
1. Reduce waste to X kg per production unit by 31/12/2XXX
2. Achieve a recycling rate of X% by 31/12/2XXX
Management Programmes:
• Identify opportunities for waste minimisation Commission an expert report on solvent usage and potential improvements in usage and abatement
1. Create solvent management plan
2. Implement the ABC Report findings on abatement
a. sub-task: Get 3 quotations
• Identify opportunities for waste recycling
1. Review feasibility of re-usable packaging with product material suppliers
2. Implement an awareness campaign across the site
• Review waste contractors & waste destinations Consolidate contract for non-hazardous waste
1. Consolidate contract for hazardous waste
2. Review waste records
3. Train an onsite DGSA (Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor)
4. Periodically inspect waste sites used
Objective: Improve safety on site
1. Complete or review risk assessments for all activities on site and implement appropriate controls by 31/12/2XXX
Management Programmes:
• Complete or review risk assessments for Warehouse and implement appropriate controls by 31/07/2XXX
1. Re-train Forklift Drivers.
2. Re-enforce manual handling training.
3. Get racking inspected and put up signs for safe working load.
4. Identify safe areas for pedestrians.
5. Formalise statutory inspections of forklifts and lifting gear through the planned preventive maintenance programme.
6. Shrink-wrap pallets for high level storage.