Management Standards


ISO 14001 , OHSAS 18001 or ISO 45001 and ISO 50001 Management Systems


The system aims to help meet the following requirements of ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 in a site-specific sustainable way:


      4.3.2 (Legal & Other Requirements)  or 6.1.3 (Compliance Obligations)

      4.5.2 (Evaluation of Compliance) or 9.1.2 (Evaluation of Compliance)



Legal & Other Requirements (Compliance Obligations)


The standards require that:


“The organization shall establish and maintain a procedure to have access to legal and other requirements (compliance obligations) to which the organization subscribes that are applicable to (the environmental aspects of) its activities, products, or services.”


These must be taken into account in establishing, implementing and maintaining the management system.


They must be kept up to date.


They must be communicated to those with control of activities.


SCANNELL will enable you to easily meet this requirement in a site-specific way, with access to summaries of the legal requirements and full legal texts, and it will always be up to date.


Evaluation of Compliance


The standards require that:


“Consistent with its commitment to compliance, the organization shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure for periodically evaluating compliance with applicable legal requirements”.


Completing this element of SCANNELL will outline how the organization complies with requirements under the various Checklist Items. A variety of methods or processes can be used to assess compliance such as:

      Audits (internal and/or third party),

      Document or Records Review,

      Facility Inspections and/or Direct Observation,


      Project or Work Reviews,

      Routine Sample Analysis or Test Results.






Similarly the EU’s Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) requires that:


“Organisations wishing to register with EMAS shall be able to demonstrate that they:

      have identified, and know the implications to the organisation of all applicable legal requirements relating to the environment, identified during the environmental review.

      provide for legal compliance with environmental legislation, including permits and permit limits; and have procedures in place that enable the organisation to meet these requirements on an ongoing basis.”