To add a Measurement for the Parameter you just added, click on the Measurements link in the Activities menu panel, this will display a list of any existing Measurements, and then on the Add Measurement link.
Parameter (entered earlier).
Type of Measure e.g. concentration, volume, temperature, visual
Types of Measurements fall into 4 categories:
The type determines the limits that can be set (see section on limits)
Accumulative – For example Volume (m3, litres, gallons) or Weight (Kg, tonnes). Values can be recorded daily while limits may be defined as daily/monthly/yearly or a number of these. Upper limits can be defined.
Rate – For example Concentration (mg/m3, g/litre) or Rate (litre/sec, m3/day). - Upper & lower limits can be defined.
Boolean – For example Compliance (Yes/No, True/False, Present/Absent). Upper limits can be defined
Optional – For example Subjective (Good/Bad/Fair). Upper limits can be defined. |
Enter the following:
• Monitoring Point (entered earlier).
• Frequency of measurement: select a type, enter a number & select a unit.
• Types are:
• Fractional e.g. 1 time(s) per week or 2 time(s) per year.
• Multiple e.g. once every 1 month.
• User Defined. This can be Ad hoc (as required) or continuous.
• Initial Measurement date, using the calendar icon pop-up.
• If email Notification is required tick the box and enter number of Notification Days In Advance.
• Select a Unit of measure (Note the units are based on the Measure selected earlier).
If required, a Custom (calculated) unit can be set up. Enter the Symbol (name) you want to use for your unit and then the Expression (calculation).
For example, if you want to convert kWh of electricity to kg of CO2 emissions you must multiply by 0.54522 (based on DEFRA 2010 factors). So you would enter the Symbol as kgCO2e and the Expression as x*0.54522 (where x is the reading you will enter and * is multiply). So when you enter Reading as kWh taken from the electricity meter or invoice they will be converted into KgCO2e by the system.
NOTE: you can use a variety of mathematical operators in the expression (such as + - /) in order to create a calculation.
Use the Test button to check your calculation. |
Tick the user(s) who will enter readings
The people appearing in the dropdown list are those with access right “DATA: Enter Measurement Readings” selected for their user profile in the ADMIN Administration Module. |
[optional] Enter any additional information that is relevant.