Objectives and Targets are strategic goals established by an organisation that are consistent with the EH&S Policy, such as commitments to prevent pollution, or to protect the health and safety of workers and others, or to comply with legislation.
Objectives and Targets must be specific & measurable.
Each Objective may have one or more Targets.
Objectives and Targets are achieved through Management Programmes which in turn are achieved through Tasks |
Here are a few examples of Objectives and Targets:
Objective 1: Comply with current environmental legislation and corporate standards
Target 1 – Achieve zero outstanding non-compliance by 31/12/2XXX
Objective 2: Minimise resource usage per tonne of finished product
Target 1 - Reduce electricity consumption to less than 35kWh per tonne by 31/12/2XXX
Target 2 - Reduce gas consumption to less than 2.2 litres per tonne by 31/12/2XXX
Target 3 - Quantify water usage and establish a target by 31/12/2XXX
Objective 3: Minimise waste produced on site
Target 1 – Reduce waste sent to landfill to below 2XXX levels by 31/12/2XXX
Target 1 – Reduce waste bins on site to below 2XXX levels by 31/12/2XXX
Health & Safety
Objective 1: Comply with current legislation and corporate standards
Target 1 – Achieve zero outstanding non-compliance by 31/12/2XXX
Target 2 – Complete or review risk assessments for all activities on site by 31/12/2XXX
Target 3 – Review Machinery standards by 31/12/2XXX
Objective 2: Improve safety on site
Target 1 - Achieve zero lost time injuries by 31/12/2XXX
Target 2 - Reduce manual handling cases to zero by 31/12/2XXX
Target 3 – Implement health surveillance programme for all employees by 31/12/2XXX
Target 4 – Implement a programme of safety audits by 31/05/2XXX