Overview of SCANNELL


SCANNELL is a web-based Environmental, Health & Safety management software suite designed to help you to efficiently manage key elements of your management system from a single online point of entry.


SCANNELL is designed in an integrated modular fashion to allow for easy deployment and phased introduction into an organisation.


The following modules are available:

      Legal Compliance - LAW

      Risk Assessment & Management Programmes - RISK

      Data Collection, Analysis & Monitoring, including Emissions, Waste, Equipment & Training - DATA

      Accident & Incident Tracking, Corrective & Preventive Action - INCIDENT

      Auditing - AUDIT

      Document & External Website link library - DOCS

      System Administration, that is managing users, access rights, security and licences - ADMIN



If you already use one or more modules and would like to expand your system then please contact us on mailto:sales@enviroscannell.com