Risk Assessment Process


Risk assessments (referred to in SCANNELL as Scorecards and displayed on the Scoreboard) are created through a process shown in the diagram below.



A risk assessment is carried out in relation to a particular activity/impact (environment) or hazard/injury (health & safety) combination.


Once approved Scorecards are submitted to a Scoreboard that displays all the risk assessments in order of priority according to a "traffic light" system. The Scoreboard can be filtered according to User or Functional Group or Category.


With the use of a configurable Significance Threshold Level the organisation can set the score above which a scorecard will be deemed high risk (red). This threshold can be adjusted downwards as the organisation strives for continual improvement.


Concentrating on high risk scorecards the users can set tasks against the specific risk areas. These tasks can be assigned to the relevant personnel within the organisation to make sure that work is carried out to help reduce the overall score and thus the overall risk. Most importantly the completion of each task results in the automatic rescoring of that scorecard.


There is a complete history of scores and tasks with revision numbers generated, allowing the organisation to show improvements over time for external and internal auditing purposes.


A closed loop system allows risk assessments to be automatically rescored upon the successful completion of associated improvement tasks.

Tasks are linked to Management Programmes and ultimately to Objectives & Targets as shown in the Continual Improvement Process diagram below.



Objectives and Targets are strategic goals established by an organisation that are consistent with the EH&S Policy, such as commitments to prevent pollution, or to protect the health and safety of workers and others, or to comply with legislation. These Objectives and Targets must be measurable.


Management Programmes are established and maintained to enable achievement of Objectives & Targets, through detailed Tasks.


SCANNELL has two types of Tasks:

1.  Risk Assessment (RA) Tasks associated with Risk Assessments (Scorecards); and

2.  Independent Management Programme (MP) Tasks associated directly with Management Programmes.