To Add a New Disposal/Recovery Record:

1.  Open up the Waste Shipment by clicking on its ID in the Waste Shipment view screen.


2.  Click on New Disposal/Recovery Record.


3.  Select/Enter Shipment Record, Disposal Location, Treatment Type, Received Date, Disposal/Recovery Date, Quantity, Weight and any comments.

4.  Save.


To Add an Attachment:

1.  Open up the Waste Shipment by clicking on its ID in the Waste Shipment view screen.


2.  Click on Add Attachment.


3.  Select/Enter Type: Attachment or External link, Name, Description      


4.  If the document is an External Link, enter the full URL as it would appear in your web browser       


5.  If the document is an Attachment, click Choose File and search for the file on your system. It must be on a shared network drive not your local PC. 


6.  Ensure Active is ticked and save.