What legislation is included?


The LAW module of SCANNELL contains synopses and checklists related to statutory legislation in the area of Environmental and/or Health & Safety matters.


This includes:


      Statutory Legislation - laws or acts set down in parliament by a national (or supranational) or state legislature or other governing authority in response to government policy or a perceived need to clarify the law.

      Regulations, Decrees, Orders or other legal instruments that have the force of law, published by the Government Ministers or municipalities or regulatory bodies established by the government in order to implement the law.


      Codes of Practice, Technical Guidance and other material published by regulatory bodies that may have legal standing are included.


We typically do not include:


      case law (interpretations of the law made by Judges in court cases),

      proposed legislation,

      non-statutory Guidelines and

      non-statutory Technical Standards.