Global Configuration


Global configuration is where users with the correct assignable access right can create client specific questions which can be included in module templates (i.e. incident template). The client specific questions are created from a global location on the SCANNELL system ‘User Defined Question’.


To access the ‘User Defined Questions’ page select the star on the quick-link toolbar.


The ‘User Defined Questions’ star icon will only display for users with the assignable access right ‘SCANNELL: Configure the modules’.


When the mouse icon is placed over the star icon two options display:


      View User Defined Questions – A user can create client specific questions


      View SCANNELL Questions – Standard SCANNELL questions display which cannot be modified.



When ‘View User Defined Questions’ page is selected a list of existing client specific questions displays. If configuring client specific questions for the first time, then no questions will appear on the page.